Our favorite little sweetie turned two yesterday. I thought the time with my kids flew by, but I think time goes even faster in "Grammy-time". Olivia's mommy suggested a sand box as a gift possibility. I think we found a good one. Daddy and Grandpa put it together this afternoon...with a curious little helper. As soon as they got the picnic table part assembled, Olivia sat down and said, "Oya ya needs to eat!" She got to eat a cupcake at her new table. My camera battery died so I missed a great chocolate cupcake face shot :o( Olivia loves to be outside...I think between the new sandbox and the cool pink tricycle from her other Grandma and Grandpa, she may never want to come inside! Happy 2nd Birthday sweet girl...Grammy loves you!
Had to post a quick picture of the treasure I got at Goodwill tonight for $1.99 I haven't even cleaned it up yet...not sure what will go inside and I have spent the last 30 minutes trying to make the perfect space (or any space) for it in my room FULL of stuff. But as I frequently remind my sweet hubby--there is always space for something you love :o)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
It's late and I still have a messy kitchen to clean up before bed, but I wanted to put up a favorite picture from tonight. My youngest sister and her three boys are staying with our mom/dad for a couple of days and got to come for supper tonight. I love this pic of Grandma/Great Grandma with her kiddos...
What a weekend...and this old grammy is EXHAUSTED! We crammed LOTS of celebrating into a short weekend. Friday night hubby and I went to an area park for music and fireworks...we thoroughly enjoyed the evening. Saturday a.m. we drove a couple of hours to a family reunion with my sweet hubby's family. This side of the family rarely has the opportunity to spend any time together. The last reunion was 8 years ago. Both our kids and their spouses and of course sweet little Olivia were able to attend with us which made it ever better :o) Unfortunately, I spent so much time enjoying conversation that I failed to get even one good picture :o(
We rushed home trying to decide whether or not to attend Red, White and Boom in Peoria as it had been raining steadily ALL DAY! The rain finally stopped and we enjoyed an awesome display of 4,800 pounds of fireworks.
After church this morning and a quick cookout for lunch we hurried off to Peoria for the Chiefs game. Aramis Ramirez and Reed Johnson were doing some rehab this weekend before returning to the Cubs tomorrow. It was a great game day...hot but not miserable and a great way to end the holiday weekend with lots of smiles for the whole family. Now--this old grammy could use a nice looooooong nap :o)
About me--hummmmmm... I have been married for 35 years to the most wonderful, godly man. It is truly my joy to be his wife. We have two awesome kids--both grown and married to pretty terrific spouses. I am the secretary at our church and handle the Women's ministry. The most exciting part of my life is being grandma to our beautiful, spunky grand kiddos Olivia Grace, Ella Faith, Jacob Thomas, and Harrison Andrew. It is so much fun to have little ones in our house from time to time--and a blessing to savor the quiet again when they go home! Being grammy continues to bring a special kind of joy to my life that I can't quite explain and wouldn't trade for anything in the world!