Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Some New Fish for Grandpa

Olivia came by today for a little picnic lunch and visit. Grandpa had been given some new fish from a friend who is draining her pond and he saved them so Olivia could help get them into their new home.

Now they need some food

And some more water

And more water from the other side

These two are up to no good

Pretty girl thinking about something

The whole ornery gang

It was a WONDERFUL lunch break...I think we should do it every day!


Dawn said...

Very very cute. There's nothing like watching Grandpas with their girlies.

grammy said...

How much fun is that
My sister has a fish pool like that
and a turtle is in it too
the girls love to sneak up on it...
and to get to help feed it (o:
theirs is so not ready yet though
look at that 6th (I think) picture of her
now compare it to the one of Grandpa at that age (o:

June Houck said...

I love your yard! You have a lovely oasis. I'm not sure who is having more fun with the water, Grandpa or Olivia???

Judy said...

Hi Grammy, this is my frist visit here, & I so enjoyed my time here. What a sweet blog! Olivia Grace is beautiful! Looks like you built some wonderful memories during your lunch break. Have a blessed day. Hugs

Linda said...

Hi Grammy,
Beautiful photos!! What wonderful memories you have created!
Have a blessed weekend.

The Red Brick Farmhouse said...

What a fun post! You can just see the LOVE in grandpa's eyes! :> )
